Estate Planning & Specialist Tax Advice
Estate planning is not just about making a Will. At Optimum we can advise on lifetime gifts, the use of trusts, or life assurance to fund the tax arising on an estate. There are various government approved investment schemes that can offer different tax breaks for investors and as independent advisers we will always consider the full range of options.
Protecting Assets
Planning how to leave wealth to future generations and to mitigate potential Inheritance Tax (IHT) are important factors that we can advise on. However, we would always balance concern for children and grandchildren with personal financial needs.
Trust Planning
Inheritance Tax (IHT) mitigation planning is a complex area, which is especially true where trusts are considered. In this area the need for highly qualified professional advice is absolutely essential in making correct choices.
Did you know?
There are investment options that can facilitate 100% Inheritance Tax (IHT) relief after only two years of ownership, whilst future proofing against changes in circumstances by allowing the investor to retain full access to the capital.